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Application Generators


Persistence Software Inc.

Persistence bridges the gap between relational data and object-orienteddevelopment, delivering productivity, performance, and portabilitybenefits to C++ developers.Database Interface Generator creates C++ classes for each object in themodel. Each of these objects "knows" how to read and write itself to thedatabase, saving the developer from having to write hundreds of lines ofdata access code per, object locking, and object caching, delivering up to a factorof 10 performance improvement for data intensive applications.Developers can select at link time which database to use.

Language: C++
Source Avail: No
Product Special Handling: ORACLE, SYBASE, Ingres, Informix databases
Operating Systems: Solaris Sparc 1.0,2.0,2.3,2.4

Persistence Software Inc.
1720 S Amphlett Blvd Suite 300
San Mateo, CA 94402
Phone: (415) 341-7733
        (800) 803-8491
Fax: (415) 341-8432